Cybnenull X Liber Syncretic

The Revolution is in you, or it is Nowhere

“Your eminence, we must leave at once,” It was one of the Red Knights— the Protectors of the Revolution. She quickly got up and grabbed her bug out bag. So it had come to this.
Mazu rescues Lu Yundi's embassy returning from Korea

Shadows over Ice (The Mazu-Kin Files part 2, a cosmic horror flash fiction series)

The mummified corpse that allegedly belonged to the mortal form of Mazu was wrapped in the facsimile of a mermaid. It had severe deformities, her feet formed fins like that of a fish and parts of her legs were fused together, her fingers were unnaturally long and there appears to be gill like structures on her neck. There was a strange crustacean like exoskeletal carapace covering her torso that I initially thought was some kind of ceremonial armour, but upon closer examination, I discovered that this was grown from the ribcages.

Shadows over Ice (The Mazu-Kin Files part 1, a cosmic horror flash fiction series)

I have asked David-Néel many times why she never talked about my father, denying him the fame that was due him in history and if that contributed to his extreme change in personality. She told me, “Your father is dead. He sacrificed himself for me in the secret Tomb of Princess Wencheng. What returned is not your Father.” I thought she meant that in a metaphorical way. Now…now I am not so sure. I received the news early this morning. My father had disappeared from the Insane Asylum. They discovered a hidden tunnel behind his bed, dug by millions of cockroaches that facilitated his escape.

Al-Merica’s Caliph George ibn Bush (flash fiction)

Meanwhile in an alt universe, Caliph of the United States of Al-Merica, George ibn Bush meets with Donald ibn Rumsfled, the Secretary of Defence regarding a new Christian Crusader group.
Classic Newsletter Zine formats are fit for paper publications, but what about digital ones?

Challenges of a Zine Format: Should we pivot? A deep dive.

I explore why we may have to change up how we present content. Because are you going to share Issue 05 of Whatever Zine, or would you rather share Biden’s Secret Anime Stash? Also, a SURVEY! First of all, some housekeeping. Remember to check spam folder or promotions tab if you’re not receiving your emails! […]
CN✘LS Issue 01: The Predestination Game

Thicc First Post (Special)

This extra thicc premiere issue of Cybernull ✘ Liber Syncretic collects and updates some of my most iconic essays and fictions (and all new content!), along with special articles by Guest Writers, Justonky (artist and writer), and Sunrise Oath (writer and musician).