Category: Politics
We want State mandated Nazis to bully.
State mandated Nazis to bully. I demand the government give everyone a Nazi to beat up. Think about all those young people filled with rage and no outlet. Where’s the justice? While the really strong and streetwise anarchists and commies are roaming around, beating up Nazis, the skinny short people sit at home, typing angrily…
Marriage is Capitalist-Imperialist Psy Op. Who gives a shit about what rings are made of?
Did you know in many developed countries, disabled people do not have marriage equality? To say nothing of all those countries where same sex marriage is still outlawed.
Valkyrie Brynn, Blackest Comedy I’ve seen this week.
It’s interesting though, that some folks think she’s doing American Imperialist psyop with her videos. One commenter pointed out that her equipment wasn’t Iraq issued and she’s lying about a being a Vet, but another commenter (and vet) pointed out that their stuff was confiscated, so it wouldn’t have been possible for her to be…