Category: Observation
Marriage is Capitalist-Imperialist Psy Op. Who gives a shit about what rings are made of?
Did you know in many developed countries, disabled people do not have marriage equality? To say nothing of all those countries where same sex marriage is still outlawed.
Writing for white gatekeepers: Kawika Guillermo on pen names, identity, and more.
It’s pretty dang relatable. There’s a reason I avoid the “Asian Immigrant Sad Stories” section in every book store that really pretends they got something deep going on. Right next to the political treatise on why Chinese people are genetically disposed to authoritarianism, written by “I am Classical Liberal McGenocide is Okay, White Boy the…
the aliens are all gay bro
>Alien shows up, and they’re all super GAY. >What now conservative dharmic religion, what now?